13 Age Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Considerations for Leaders
Choose some ritual(s) that will bring your mind/body into focus as you take in the following chapter.
When you are ready to bring your attention to the material in this chapter:
- Try and remember the first experiences you had and messages you received about older adults (65+)?
- What did you witness and or what were you told about what it means to age in the family settings, educational settings, faith settings, political and/or any other shaping communities of which you were a part?
Setting the Scene
Defining Concepts
Ageism- Ageism refers to the stereotypes (how we think), prejudice (how we feel) and discrimination (how we act) towards others or oneself based on age. (WHO, 2023)
Theoretical Frameworks
Exploring Identities & Intersections
- What connections did you make to the material in this section?
- Connections to other academic learning?
- Connections to your own experiences, thoughts, and/or emotions?
- Connections to current news and/or pop culture?
- What questions do you still have about the material in this chapter? What feels fuzzy, or just out of your reach?
Engaging News/Art/Culture
Remembering Triumphs
- See instructor announcement for a clip! Consider what is triumphant about the clip. Is there anything potentially ageist within it? Other thoughts about how it intersects with other class ideas/discussions
Chapter References