6 Ethnicity & Nationality Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Considerations for Leaders
Choose some ritual(s) that will bring your mind/body into focus as you take in the following chapter.
When you are ready to bring your attention to the material in this chapter:
- Try and remember the first experiences you had and messages you received about ethnic/national identity, particularly individuals and groups who come from a different ethnic/national background than your own.
- What did you witness and or what were you told about what it means to be an immigrant in your family settings, educational settings, faith settings, political and/or any other shaping communities of which you were a part?
Grounding and Groundwork
- Defining Concepts
- Ethnicity: the identification of a group based on perceived cultural distinctiveness that makes the group into a “people.” This distinctiveness is believed to be expressed in language, music, values, art, styles, literature, family life, religion, ritual, food, etc. (Brittanica, 2022) Nationality: a group of people who share the same history, traditions, and language, and who usually live together in a particular country. (Brittanica, 2022)
- Immigration Status (USA): Immigration status refers to the way in which a person is present in the United States. Everyone has an immigration status. Some examples of immigration status include: Us Citizen, Legal Permanent Resident, Conditional Permanent Resident, Asylee or Refugee, Non-Immigrant, and Undocumented Person (Esperanza United, 2022)
- Theoretical Frameworks & Models
- Baylor Students Choose 2 From this Box Folder (Non-Baylor Students can check Bibliography for Academic Journal Articles on Intersectional Critical Theories).
Language Considerations
- Language Considerations for Race and Ethnicity (APA, 2022)
Intersections & Institutions (Choose at least 2)
- The Social Distance Between Africans and African Americans (Amaize, 2021) (Race/Ethnicity &Immigration Status )
- Unfair and Unjust Practices and Conditions Harm Hispanic and Latino People and Drive Health Disparities (CDC, 2022)(Ethnicity & Healthcare)
- Asian
- Native and Indigenous Communities and Mental Health, (MHA, 2022) (Race/Ethnicity & Mental Health)
Stories and Celebrations (Choose at least 3)
- Still Processing, “The N Word” (Morris & Wortham, 2021) 53 minutes
- Asian Women’s Experience of White Tears (Cathy Park-Hong, 2020)
- Poderistas (2022)
- Bystander 5DS AAPI &/or Stop Asian Hate NYC (Retrieved 2022)
- Change the Narrative, Change the Future (Illuminative, 2022)
- Three Artists Explain and Visualize What Black Joy Means to Them (ACLU, 2022)
Esperanza United, 2022