
Unit 12: Harmonic Dictation

Learning Objectives

In this unit, our harmonic dictation work will focus on examples that include advanced uses of chromaticism, such as mode mixture, Neapolitan chords, augmented sixth chords, and modulation to distantly related keys.



Notate the outer voices (soprano and bass), then provide a Roman numeral analysis (including any necessary inversion symbols). You will hear a series of clicks to establish the tempo before each exercise begins.


Homework A


Homework B


Homework C


Homework D


Homework E


Homework F


Homework G


Homework H


Homework I


Homework J


Homework K


Homework L


Practice A


Practice B


Practice C


Practice D


Practice E





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The Ear Training Compendium Copyright © 2022 by Amy L. Fleming, Edward J.F. Taylor, & Horace J. Maxile, Jr. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.