Unit 1: Melodic Dictation

Learning Objectives

In Musicianship III, melodic dictation exercises will begin to feature chromaticism. In this unit, we will see chromaticism in two primary contexts: 1) decorative chromaticism (such as chromatic passing tones and neighboring tones) and 2) secondary function chords.



Notate the melodies. You will hear a series of clicks to establish the tempo before each exercise begins.


Homework A


Homework B


Homework C


Homework D


Homework E


Homework F


Homework G


Homework H


Homework I


Homework J


Homework K


Homework L


Homework M


Homework N


Homework O


Practice A


Practice B


Practice C


Practice D


Practice E


Practice F


Practice G


Practice H




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Musicianship 3 Copyright © by Amy L. Fleming, Edward J. F. Taylor, & Horace J. Maxile, Jr. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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