Karenna Malavanti

Creation of this open education resource was founded in part by the 2022 Affordable Course Materials Summer Fellowship at Baylor University Libraries. Dr. Karenna Malavanti (Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Baylor  University) was one of eleven inaugural Affordable Course Materials Summer Fellows and was assisted by two wonderful staffpersons: Dr. Christina Chan-Park (Research Librarian for Science and Data, Baylor Libraries), who spent a significant amount of time and effort into ensuring the continuity of the contents is preserved throughout as well as ensuring that we are compliant with the variety of licensing requirements due to the open source materials involved, and Ms. Abby Gamble (Senior Learning Experiences Designer, Baylor Libraries & Academic Technology Services), who created the logo and spent a lot of time designing the project’s matching Canvas site. These Baylor staff were integral to the success of this project. I am grateful for the many hours they poured into this OER.

Many thanks to Dr. Allison Melley (George Mason University) who was part of the same Spring 2022 APA Introductory Psychology Initiative (IPI) book circle as I, and Dr. Bridgette Martin Hard (Duke University) who shared her way of framing themes with me in 2019 and who coordinates the annual Psychology One Conference for introductory psychology educators. Both of these individuals deserve a lot of appreciation for their help in thinking about the integrative themes. I am also grateful for the generous brainstorming on these themes by Dr. Regan Gurung (Oregon State University), whom graciously runs the Hub for Introductory Psychology (a free group for  educators to share how they teach Intro Psych) and the Summer Introductory Psychology Program, and who served as my mentor in 2018 SOTL workshop at Society for the Teaching of Psychology’s Annual Conference on Teaching.

Finally, I learn from my fellow teacher-scholars, my family, and my students every single day. Learning is a journey, and I’m so glad to be learning alongside each of you.

Karenna Malavanti


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