18 The Family

Our families play a crucial role in our overall development and happiness. They can support and validate us, but they can also criticize and burden us. For better or worse, we all have a family. Some have families of choice that also influence the shape of their lives. Family systems are complex, and have a strong impact on development. In this section, we will discuss the complex role of family in human development.
In This Section:
- 18.1 Parenting
- 18.2 The Family Life Cycle
- 18.3 Singlehood, Marriage, & Cohabitation
- 18.4 Divorce
- 18.5 Maltreatment, Adversity, and Resilience
Licenses & Attributions (Click to expand)
- “Relationships and Family Life in Middle Adulthood”. Authored by: Ronnie Mather and Lumen Learning. Provided by: Lumen Learning. Located at: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-lifespandevelopment/chapter/relationships-and-family-life-in-middle-adulthood/. License: CC BY: Attribution