3 Introduction to Research In Lifespan Human Development

Learning Objectives
- Examine how to do research in lifespan human development
How do we know what changes and stays the same (and when and why) in lifespan development? We rely on research that utilizes the scientific method so that we can have confidence in the findings. How data are collected may vary by age group and by the type of information sought. The developmental design (for example, following individuals as they age over time or comparing individuals of different ages at one point in time) will affect the data and the conclusions that can be drawn from them about actual age changes. What do you think are the particular challenges or issues in conducting developmental research, such as with infants and children? Read on to learn more.
In This Section:
- 3.1 Research in Lifespan Development
- 3.2 Research Methods
- 3.3 Correlational and Experimental Research
- 3.4 Developmental Research Designs
- 3.5 Challenges Conducting Developmental Research
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- Business. Authored by: rawpixel. Located at: https://pixabay.com/images/id-3295556/. License: CC0: No Rights Reserved
- Introduction to Research in Lifespan Development. Authored by: Margaret Clark-Plaskie for Lumen Learning. Provided by: Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution