
How to Use This Book

This book is arranged in a topical format, meaning that we will discuss how humans develop in one particular domain (psychosocial, cognitive, physical) across the lifespan. We’ll begin with some foundational information on developmental science, research methods, and prenatal development and birth. Then, we’ll look at various aspects of physical development from conception to death, followed by the cognitive and psychosocial domains. At the end of our course, we will discuss approaching the end of the life through death and dying.

There are several tools for you to explore throughout this book, either to help give you more detailed information and applications on a particular topic, or to give you places to practice and review what you’ve learned. Below is an overview of the tools available in this text.

Learning Objectives and Think It Over

These green boxes will either have Learning Objectives at the beginning of a section or Think It Over prompts at the end of a section.

  • Learning Objectives list things that you should be able to do after reviewing the material in that section. I recommend using these as study guides; if you can do the thing listed in the Learning Objective using appropriate vocabulary without referring to your notes,  you understand the material well!
  • Think It Over prompts will give you the opportunity to reflect on the material discussed in a section and apply it to your own life.

Watch It

These purple boxes will have Watch It videos or links to a video that will provide additional commentary on the concepts discussed in the text.

Links to Learning

Blue boxes will contain Links to Learning, which provide in-depth examples or a link to an outside resource relating to topics discussed in the text. Links to Learning allow us to have more illustrative applications of the general principles we cover.

Try It

Orange boxes will have Try It exercises, which will allow you to check your understanding of the material. These may be short answer or multiple choice exercises. There are no points associated with Try It exercises, but you can take them as many times as you would like and will be able to view the answers.



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Lifespan Human Development: A Topical Approach Copyright © 2023 by Meredith Palm is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.